How we lie to ourselves
A major obstacle to self awareness, and in turn to a flourishing life, is the tendency of one part of the mind to lie to the other. We lie to ourselves…
Emotional Identity
Our personalities can be usefully divided up into a range of different identities, each shedding light on a specific side of who we are: a political identity, a sartorial identity, a financial identity and so on…
Our Inner Voices
It's a strange but central phenomenon that we sometimes talk silently to ourselves in voices that are internalized versions of voices we once heard around us…
The way we see the world is profoundly influenced by our past experiences. We bring these experiences to bear on the present moment almost without noticing…
One of the most striking features of our minds is how little we understand them. Although we inhabit ourselves, we seldom manage to make sense of more than a fraction of who we are…