

Tonglen: exchanging oneself for another, it is a practice for activating loving-kindness and compassion.


Yesterday morning my friend was stopping by to bring me some goodies.  As always, she walked in and I cheerfully said hello only to be greeted with "Vickie will you please call the number on the tag"  She gently laid a tiny suffering dog on my counter that she had gathered up from the road. The poor creature had been hit by a car and my poor friend had witnessed it.  Visibly shaken, she began to cry as she told me what she'd seen.  

There was no answer at the owners home.  Sobbing, my friend apologized to the dog that she couldn't do more. I put my hand on her back and called the vet's number on the back of tag. The vet helped us locate the tiny dog's owner.  As the dog lay suffering I took in deep breaths of her pain and let my friend sob. The dog passed quickly and peacefully while I held my friend tightly to give her comfort. 

We came together that morning to give peace to Marta (that was the dog's name, Marta) and to her family who arrived at my home shortly to gather her up. They expressed thanks for the grace we'd shown Marta and the comfort that allowed her to, knowing that she was loved. 

Today as I sit, give thanks and do my reading, I'm reminded of Tonglen.  The willingness to take in the pain and suffering of ourselves and others on the inhale breath and to send out happiness to us all on the exhale breath. We breath in what is painful and unwanted with the sincere wish that we and others could be free of suffering.  We drop our own story line. We open our hearts and minds to whatever arises. Giving space. Exhaling, we send out relief from the pain with the intention that we and others be happy. 

It is not an easy practice, but I am thankful I have been engaged in it because that event was not what I'd planned for my Friday morning.  But, in a flash it all changed and I was able to practice on the spot.  Which is always the best way to practice.

Because of our bravery and willingness to work the practice, we are more able to experience the basic goodness of ourselves and others.  We are more able to appreciate the potential of all kinds of people, pleasant and unpleasant.  Thus, Tonglen begins to ventilate our prejudices and introduces us to a more tender and open minded world. 

Discover for yourself what can happen within your world.


What Everyone Knows Might Not Be True


Compassionate Boundaries