

When we go to therapy we tend to want to eradicate the anxiety, depression or angst that we are experiencing.


Like we are pulling weeds from a garden.

Did you know that pulling out the weeds gives nourishment to the plant?

Pull the weeds and bury them NEAR the plant to give it nourishment. It also allows for better water uptake to the thriving plant. Its an old school trick I learned from my beautiful grandmother who had the most luxurious and colorful flower and vegetable gardens.

So even though you have some difficulty in your life, even though you have some waves while you are going through your day, those waves themselves will help you.

You should not be bothered by your mind.

Rather be grateful for the weeds, because eventually they will enrich your practice. They have the potential to enrich your life. If you have some experience of how the weeds in your mind change into mental nourishment, your practice/your life will make remarkable progress. You will feel the enrichment. You will feel how they change into self-nourishment.

It's time to work on your garden.


Compassionate Boundaries


Ever Evolving Relationships