Finding Compassion for Ourselves

Sometimes as we navigate a difficult moment in our lives, like reassessing a relationship, experiencing a job loss or suffering burnout, we struggle to be gentle with ourselves while facing these challenges. This harshness might present itself through actions like negative self talk, disingenuous interactions with others, denying ourselves experiences we enjoy, or isolating ourselves from others entirely. These actions make the struggles we face less manageable, making things even harder for ourselves.

When we begin to unravel negative self-talk it’s worth asking ourselves “What would I say to my best friend if they were struggling with this?” Though we often struggle to find compassion for ourselves, it is often very easy for us to hold others with gentleness and compassion. Learn to treat yourself like your own friend. You deserve to be held with kindness and you owe it to yourself to give it to you first.




Grief During the Holidays